Terms of Use & Privacy Policy

The following terms and conditions apply to all visitors or users of The Queen’s Health System website. Please read this agreement entirely and carefully before accessing this website. By accessing the site, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions below. QHS reserves the right to change these terms and conditions from time to time at its sole discretion without notice.


The Queen’s Health System provides the content on this website for informational purposes only. This content should not be considered complete or to be used as medical advice about the diagnosis or treatment of any specific condition. If you have specific health-related questions, please contact your health care provider. Every effort is made to ensure that the material within this website is accurate and timely; however QHS does not warrant the completeness or accuracy of the information contained herein.

While QHS takes reasonable measures to protect its website, we cannot guarantee that files available for downloading will be free of contaminating or destructive properties. Users are responsible for implementing sufficient procedures to protect themselves and their own computer system.

Links to other websites are provided as a service to you. However, other sites are neither managed nor controlled by QHS. While QHS makes reasonable efforts to include other sites that provide relevant information, neither QHS nor its employees, agents, or contractors, review, control or take responsibility for the content of these sites.

This website is provided without warranties of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to, those of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement or any warranty arising from a course of dealing, usage or trade practice. QHS will not be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken by you or anyone else in reliance upon the information provided.

Consents and Copyrights

All information contained on this website is the sole property of The Queen’s Health System. Any reproduction or redistribution of this material beyond personal use is prohibited without the express written consent of QHS. Permission is granted to the media to reprint any of the press releases on this site as long as QHS is clearly referenced in the article as published.

Privacy Policy

The Queen’s Health System respects the privacy of its users. QHS will not collect your name, email address or other personal information unless you voluntarily provide it. QHS will not sell, trade, rent or share personal information about you or other website visitors to any third party. Any emails we receive may be handled by several staff members within our organization. We may use electronic or paper copies of your email. You should not consider email to be confidential correspondence.

QHS collects non-personal information about its website visitors on an aggregated basis which allows us to count the number of visitors to our site and the portions of the website visited. The information is used to improve your experience on QHS’ website. This information does not include any personally identifiable information about you.

Online Conduct

You agree not to use the QHS website for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by this agreement. QHS reserves the right to deny access to any part of the QHS website at our sole discretion. When posting or creating any user-generated content, such as email, you agree to:

  • Be respectful of others.
  • Not use language that is profane, defamatory, harassing, sexually explicit, derogatory, etc.
  • Not impersonate another person or allow another person to use your identity.
  • Not post advertisements, business solicitations or spam.
  • Not post materials that are copyrighted or trademarked.

Comments or Questions

If you have any questions regarding our website policy, please send us a message below.

Send us a message

Please remember that email, including this web form, is not a secure method of communication. *DO NOT submit personal information, including user names and passwords, social security numbers or personal health information through this form.