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COVID-19 Screening Continues at QNHCH

A group of nurses wearing disposable gowns, face masks and shields with one holding thermometer and pen.

Drive-up screening for COVID-19 at Queen’s North Hawai’i Community Hospital (QNHCH) is available 6 days a week – Monday through Saturday, 10 am – 2 pm, on the main hospital campus in Waimea.

Physician’s orders are not required but individuals must have symptoms and complete a screening. Patients are asked to bring photo ID and insurance information, and to stay in their vehicle; screening and testing takes only a few minutes and is done while the patient stays in the vehicle.

Leaving one’s home to seek medical care is an essential and allowable activity under the State’s Stay-at-Home order.

For more information, visit or or call the Queen’s COVID-19 Information Line at 691-2619.

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